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Awakening Leadership
Training Program


Awakening Leadership Training Program
Towards A New Paradigm of Holistic Sustainability

E mpowering and Deepening Ecovillage Design Education

Our educational approach is an important as the contents of the course. Proper content with inappropriate educational practices will not bring about the result of empowerment and awakening we aim for.
Three pillars support the approach: Contemplative, Participative and Reflective.

Highlights of the program :

  • Serious meditation and mindfulness learning and practice are combined with rigorous intellectual inquiry into the complexity of the self and the world combined with how to transform both to be more wholesome and sustainable.

  • Participants will participate actively in the learning process, contribute meaningfully in learning outcomes, and interact with some of the foremost-experienced teachers/facilitators in each field of study.

  • Learning, playing, working and meditating will be merged into one process in this course to develop compassion, wisdom, intellectual understanding and social commitment.